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Theoretical delusions or proof I'm a god?


I think I may be out of whine. After putting up my bloggy bits at the new site, I realized I repeat myself a lot while flapping my psycho parts at the world. If you can call the internot the world. One gets way more views just standing on a corner and yelling gibberish. Analog internet. Ya know... when I was but a lad growing up in Vancouver we had no internets. No youtube with which to marvel at 2 year olds playing drums. No facebook to announce the drabness of our lives with sparkling joy. We had to get up to turn the channel. Fortunately there were only 3 channels to watch so it wasn't as hard as it sounds. We had no first person shooters or world of warcraft to fill our days. Once you left the house your only contact with the world was if you found a payphone. No texting. No google maps. No nothing. We'd just go out and play with rocks and sticks. That's all we had. It was awful. Soooo boring. Nowadays we have all the gadgets, but sadly we're still bored. Except now it's more of a comatose boredom. Back in the day we'd pace the floors trying to figure out something fun to do. There was potential that just around the corner something entertaining might pop up. Now we just look up briefly, realize nothing has changed, then go back to Candy Crush and wait some more. In the 54 years I've been around some things have changed and some haven't. Drive, work, fart, wear pants. Same old. Something new though is the development of the disconnect. A weird offshoot of technology. Try having a conversation with someone texting. The main component of facebook is called a feed for a reason. Om nom nom on empty brain calories. Gaming eats people for years. The tech for digital immersion is moving fast. We're becoming symbiotic digital zombies. We eat the digital drivel and the digital drivel eats our brains. Mmmm... brains. Imagine what that'll be like in 20 years, or 100 years. Total immersion and disconnect is imminent. Tack on another 500 years, what then? At some point we may wind up actually in the computer. We'll rid ourselves of these mortal shells and create any old world we want. We'll be immortal in our machines. We'll build ourselves into quantum computers made from self sustaining organic infrastructure that look like large huckleberry bushes, and we'll be gods. And we'll still be bored. We'll be all like hanging around for a few thousand years playing Candy Crush and texting each other and posting on facebook. Every now and then we'll look up to see if anything has changed. After a while of knowing everything and living in any reality we can imagine we'll start to miss learning things, so we'll store our memories in an external huckleberry bush, wipe our hard drives clean and start over. Digital suicide. Us being organic computers and all, our rebirths will be like, "who or what am I? ...Oh hey Candy Crush! Kewl!" and we'll start at level one all excited. We'll probably repeat the pattern a few times for shits and giggles. But of course we'll get bored of that too. We'll begin to realize what we miss the most is all our first experiences: First kiss, first time driving, first day at the beach etc. So we'll build ourselves a world where we can be reborn as bipedal human shaped organisms and have all our firsts again. We of course won't be able to tell ourselves about it, or we'd know and it wouldn't work. Awareness would render the whole exercise null and void. We'll go through life completely unaware of our true selves. We'd probably section out the time to 60-100 years so all the firsts can be experienced, then we'd "kill" ourselves off and do it again. Leastways I think that's what happened to me. I ate a huckleberry the other day and remembered something that never happened. After some pondermentation on it this theory was the only logical conclusion. I thought the flaw in my theory might be that if this is all my own construct I must either suck at creating worlds or the whole thing was hooey, but it occurred to me that would be totally consistent with my general suckage in most areas. This world with all it's dumbassery and bad drivers is totally something I would build. I'd forget all about world peace and driving skills but remember the ice cream and cookies. To prove this point, check out the latest thing I built. My website. It's completely consistent with the world. Don't forget to hit the like button and share it with all your facebook buddies. Om nom nom.

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