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Brain Farts For The Year 1 Billion.


I notice there are a few similarities between posing as a bloguer and music. When I squeeze out one of these cerebral dumps on Craigslist I wait hoping someone will take notice. It's a dealio, no getting around it. It's just like putting a song out there. You get the same sinking feeling when people don't dash about in a frenzy spreading the Next Big Thing. I don't get a lot of feedback on my ponderments, but whatever. It's part of the gig. No no, I'll be just fine. FINE. I can see the screen through the tears of rejection well enough to continue typing thank you very much. Ha. I'm kidding of course. Don't be committing yourself to a pity share. I do get a few people at gigs saying they read it and dig it and an occasional email or comment. I suspect the coolest thing that may come of these blabber sesh's is that way in the future when I'm long dead, like in in the year 1 billion or something, internet archaeologists might find this and understand why the empire fell. Hey if you're reading this in the year 1 billion: hello from the year 2016. Ooooh... I are a ghostly presence in your machine... booooo! Or if you're reading this in the year 1 billion and getting strange memory flashbacks, then reincarnation might be the dealio and you're reading yourself. Ha! Take that me! Anyways. As most of you have experienced, putting any expression in any form out to the world is an exercise in humility. We like playing and writing sure, whee and woohoo, but there's a big difference between telling someone what you do and showing them. Showing exposes the truth of a thing, telling not so much. Hence the rampant telling online. Showing puts an open ended connection to yourself out there, and when nobody connects with some kind of affirmation or rejection concerning our efforts it's disheartening. We grow through criticism and praise confirms the growth. The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. As we wend our way down the path of a life wasted we hope for affirmation that we have at least the talent to continue. I've seen some very talented people give it up after one or two attempts at making a connection, and I've seen a few with bullet proof egos completely ignore the obvious. One should always ignore the obvious because it's never obvious at all. Nobody, not even yourself, knows whether it's worthy of some undefined ideal, because it doesn't matter. If you have something to say then say it. Many people told Bob Dylan he was a terrible player and singer before he made it big. If he had believed them and given up we'd have been the poorer for it. They were right, he was, and still is, a terrible player and singer but he had something to say and kept at it. Thankfully he did because the world wouldn't be the same without Knocking on Heaven's Door and many other great tunes he wrote. There are two sides to us. Brain and heart. intellect and emotion. Brain is the adult side, and heart is the kid side. Everybody has these two sides. Art happens when the heart and brain work together. It's after the creation where the two sides split to sort out the indifference. Brain says, "There there Heart, keep it in context. It's just another song or blog or whatever, millions are put on the net every day. We'll try again." Heart says, "Fuck you Brain, nobody loves me and I suck. I wanna watch cartoons and eat froot loops." Brain says, "Fuckin A dude I love froot loops." So they both are all like, nom nom and grooving on Spongebob when a third side pipes up. Ego says, "Screw you guys, the only reason nobody pays attention to us is because they're all stupid." The multi-colored spoonful of cancer inducing dyed hoops of sugar covered in hormone injected chemically enhanced cow squirts freezes in mid air. Brain and Heart mull over Ego's contribution apprehensively. They know Ego will lie and manipulate, and if unchecked will bloat, or worse, invoke the whackjob clause sending us to a clock tower with a sniper rifle. This is where the intersnet completely falls down. Any online connection is limited by 1's and 0's. It goes no deeper than a texted relationship. We all have open connections out there. If you want to connect on the net you need to grab those flailing open ends and connect yourself to their end. Then if you're lucky they'll reciprocate and listen to your stupid tunes or read your lame blog, but it's not likely. The main reason most players are on the net is to gain followers. Granted that one needs to be online with your snoozetubes and Facefarts, but it's not the way to gain an audience. Promoting music online is a complete waste of time. All you wind up with is a few friends and family and a whack of musicians promoting at each other. It's cool and sometimes fun, and needs to be done, but it does very little for your music, or your hoped for career in music. To connect you need to play out, or write for other musicians, or whatever, but you need to connect in person. The net is a mediocre tool at best, and really only a way to stay connected, not make connections. Unless you're dead and it's the year 1 billion. By then the illusion of time will have dissipated and the reality of the intangible should have become apparent. We'll be able to jump in and out of time and ride light waves around the universe and finally get a reasonable perspective on our own talents. While we wait, please share and comment or like or dislike or anything at all. It'll ease my internal squabbles and possibly save lives. Or better yet, help me justify my existence by coming to record at the world renowned Cosmic Pig Studios. Operators are standing by.

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