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A few years back I blogged for a bit to add to my craigslist ads.
They worked pretty well and after a while I was too busy with recording to blog,
but i still occasionally find myself amusing.
4 min read
Ten great reasons to not record here.
When I think of the hordes of people reading these bloggledy revelations it becomes apparent that many of you are not recording here at...
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6 min read
The vagaries of squirtless mojo
My Mom says last week's blog was too squirty, to which Cosmic Wifey quickly agreed. Then we had a long conversation about maturity and...
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5 min read
Spurts of joy and stabbing faces
I've decided I'm too negative with my bloginations. So this week I'll be all happy fart giggle whee. I have a paper bag and bandaids...
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5 min read
Stealing from Gurgle and Flail
There's a rumor going around that pirates are stealing our music. Aar matey. I wonder what the actual percentage of players is who've...
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4 min read
The wisdom of self recordation
It occurs to me I tend to the abstract in these missives, so this week I'll ponder on about something about actual recording. Namely,...
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6 min read
How not to get gigs, or stepping in a pile of myself.
I was talking to a player about gigs and open mic stuff through email for a bit. He suggested I do some blabber about it, but I is...
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4 min read
Picking on Ron Sexsmith and Bob Rock.
I saw a documentary about Ron Sexsmith the other day. A big part of it was him using Bob Rock...
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3 min read
Theoretical delusions or proof I'm a god?
I think I may be out of whine. After putting up my bloggy bits at the new site, I realized I repeat...
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4 min read
Radio intervention featuring utter negativity
SO what ezackly is preproduxion and why do I find mispelled words entertaining? Or is that mispelt? Preproduction is getting the tunes...
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7 min read
How to choose a studio, and brain explosions
It occurs to me I don't have a website. Why, you might ask? Are you stupid? How can we see my pictures of blinky lights and weird...
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2 min read
How not to record at home
Seems a common thing happening these days is musicians recording some of their tracks at home and some at a studio, then having the...
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5 min read
How not to suck and the meaning of life
Not sucking is hard, and trying to explain how much you don't suck often only reveals more suck. The path to not sucking is through your...
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4 min read
Success and Disillusionment
This week I'd like to wax philosophical about pointless futility, or "making it big" as people trying to grind you for cash like to call...
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4 min read
The duckies come for tea and a brief history of theoretical irritation.
I look out the window the other day and there were ducks swimming in the pool. I invited the ducks, or duckies as I like to call them,...
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6 min read
You want HOW much?
This week: How much is this gonna cost me? Cost is vastly variable, but this should give you some idea of the hours it takes to record,...
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4 min read
The vagaries of reality
I figure I go on too much, so this week I'll make it shorter I hope. I was thinking about the fame dangle again. That thing studios tend...
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4 min read
Tracking live versus one at a time
A fairly common assumption is getting that "live feel" is better. That's where everybody tracks at once as opposed to tracking each...
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4 min read
Music Meets Sci-fi
This week: Music meets Sci-fi. The problem with opining endlessly is with every opination you're bound to offend someone. The more...
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4 min read
This week: How not to do it yourself.
It occurs to me I tend to the abstract in these missives, so this week I'll ponder on about something about actual recording. Namely,...
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